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Pest Control for Clinics and Hospitals

Pest Control for Clinics and Hospitals

The pest free healthcare facilities for all

The entire healthcare sector, such as Clinics and Hospitals, must offer a pest-free environment, which is why it is necessary to have highly dynamic and effective Pest Control systems. At Anticimex, our highest priority is to maintain the health and safety of all patients and healthcare personnel.

Common pests in healthcare premises

In a health institution, crawling and flying pests such as ants, herons, flies, rats, and mice can occur. Most pests are found mainly in the restaurant, in the kitchen, in the laundry room and in the patients' room, where they pollute the environment with faeces. Mice and rats can also damage buildings and fixtures, which can lead to large financial expenses.

Surgical Precision Pest Control

We create specific Pest Control plans for the Healthcare Sector, paying attention to the specific needs and limitations of each centre. We know that pests are a threat in all spaces, but in the health sector, the risks and consequences multiply. We believe in the power of prevention, above all else, but we manage comprehensive plans that range from control to action.

Pest Control without placebos

We invest in technology and experience; We opt for cross-cutting knowledge, and we underline values ​​such as respect for the environment. The result is a fully trained and expert team in delivering effective solutions in sensitive environments, such as the Healthcare Sector; formed by field biologists, environmental quality control technicians and veterinarians.

Clinics and Hospitals are delicate places and are designed to serve the most vulnerable people; Thus, the last thing that Healthcare Sector professionals should worry about is a pest problem. Partnering with Anticimex to prevent and protect your clinics and hospitals from pest infestations.

Anticimex Pest Control focuses on prevention

The consequences of not performing good Pest Control in the Healthcare industry can be devastating. That is why at Anticimex we not only solve the problem when it is detected, but we also try to anticipate through prevention.

We can detect any indication of the creation of pests in any area of ​​the Healthcare industry. In addition, we adapt preventive Pest Control measures to your business specifications, offering biocide-free solutions with minimal environmental impact whenever possible.

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