FLYght Duo

We studied how carnivorous plants utilize UV to attract insects and developed our patented bioVE+ technology which manipulates UV LED fluorescence to create positive phototaxis (movement toward light sources) in insects.
- Unique design with concealed glue-boards
- No replacements of UV Tubes UV LED’s last 50,000 hours
- Lowest energy consumption in the market
- >70% energy savings over conventional UV fluorescent traps
- Sleek, lightweight and compact in design
- Constant UV output throughout the life of the product No yearly tube replacement required
- UV source is intrinsically shatter proof
- Able to use existing ALL universal glue-boards
- Concealed glue-boards retain adhesive qualities for longer (hidden from UV exposure)
- 100 ~ 240V AC Universal Input
- Safety Tested (IEC60335-1 / 60335-2-59)